P.G Building for sale in Nallurahalli
Locality: Nallurahalli Junction, opp to Union Bank
Distance from main road: 2nd property from main road.
Plot:2025 sqft
Dimension: 37.5*54 (2025 sft)
Frontage: 37.5
Road width:20 feet
Floors: G+5.5
Facing: South
Specs: 48 Rooms + kitchen
Khata: B khata
Rent: Rs 6,25000/- thousand rupees per month
Deposit: 30
Price: 7 CRORES
Building Age: Brand New
Built up Area: 11500 sft approximately
Rented for: PG or Hotel Rooms
Water: Borewell & kavery Water
Bank Loan: No
Lift: yes
Generator Yes
Transformer : Yes
Heatpump: Yes
Furnished: furnished
Site Rate: 17000/- per Sft in this Area
Rain water Harvesting: Yes
Flooring: Vetrified
staircase passage Granite
Property is in very Prime location and room size is very spacious (4 sharing) all rooms
For more details pls call me