DTCP & RERA Approved Premium Open Plots @ Kamkole, near Mumbai highway road.
Affordable Price Rs.11000/- Per Square Yard, 100% Clear Title With Legal Documentation & immediately plot registration.
Located near the proposed regional ring road
5 minutes to NIMS Project ,
10 minutes to Zaheerabad,
2 minutes to Woxsen university ,
5 minutes to food processing unit,
15 minutes to Regional ring road ,
20 minutes to IIT Kandi,
25 minutes ORR.
💐50% Bank loan available.....
# CONTACT : K.RAJASHEKAR 8121375414 #openplotsforsale #openplotsforsaleinhyderabad #openplotshyderabad #openplots #landforms #landforsalebytheowner #landforsale #land #dtcp #dtcpapproved #dtcpostmyshit #dtcpapprovedplots #mumbaihighway #hmda